How to deal with rejection after an interview

You just had an interview for a job that you really want, you have a good feeling about it and you invested a lot of time in preparing yourself. And then… you get rejected. the final outcome was far from what you were expecting. This, of course, can be frustrating. And when you’re down in the dumps and vulnerable, disappointment can quickly spiral into a full-blown pity party.

Rejections can put a dent in your confidence and dealing with rejection can be very difficult, especially if you keep getting rejected. It’s important to remember that the way you handle rejection is just as important as the skills on your CV when it comes to securing a new role. Don’t let rejection knock your confidence and make you doubt your abilities. Finding a job can be a long and tiring process and rejection after rejection is not very motivating. But the key to success is to stay positive. This of course is easier said than done, so here are 7 tips how to deal with rejection.

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

Don’t pin your hopes on one specific job. It is smart to have multiple opportunities going for you in case you get rejected. There are many jobs that will be a perfect fit. So, if you don’t get the job, there will be other opportunities to pursue.

Narrow your search

Be selective where you apply. If you feel suitable for a role, research the role, the company, its culture and the team you will be working with in as much detail as possible. This should give you an idea how suitable you are before accepting an interview. Are you being presented to the company by a recruiter, then ask them to give you as much accurate information as possible. Their information together with your own research should give you a good view of the company and role. Also, if you know who will interview you, check out their LinkedIn profiles.


You might not like what you will hear but asking for constructive feedback is important. You can learn a lot from the feedback that an interviewer gives you, so use this feedback to your advantage. Ensure that you take action to remedy any personal shortcoming brought to your attention from your feedback. Getting feedback also takes away the doubts that you might have about why they didn’t offer you the job.

We all learn from our experiences, and interviewing is no different.

Improve your knowledge

The most common reason for being turned down is lack of technical knowledge. To improve this you simply need to revise your technical knowledge in more detail or you may need to start thinking about following courses or study for new qualifications. By keeping professionally active in this way, you can aid ongoing development, boost confidence, give yourself a focus outside your job hunt and provide a discussion point in your next interview.

A fresh start

Don’t focus on the rejections, focus on when you did succeed. If you made mistakes or felt unprepared in your last interview, learn from this but don’t keep it at the forefront of your mind. Thinking of positive outcomes helps to boost your morale and will give you a feeling that you are going to be successful. Approach each job with a fresh perspective and a positive attitude. Tailor your CV to match a new opportunity and research and prepare well for a new interview.

Believe in yourself

It’s very easy to feel down, doubt your personality and blame yourself after a rejection. Don’t dwell on being turned down. Believe in yourself and focus on your strengths. Try to find jobs that you are passionate about, as this passion will show through in interviews.

Stay positive

The best way to deal with rejection is to stay positive and keep that smile on your face. Try to see each rejection as a learning opportunity and keep your eye on the price. You will find that one job you really want, it might take some time, but with a positive attitude you will get there.


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