8 easy tips to tackle the Monday Blues

Another week, another Monday blues. It happens to the best of us, that sad feeling to having to go back to work again after the weekend. The one suffers a more severe case of Monday Blues than the other. But we’re sure everyone knows the feeling.

“Monday Blues: the sad feeling you get when you have to go back to work again after the weekend”

Even if you really don’t want to get out of your comfy bed on Monday morning for a brand new “exciting” week of work, you still got to get up and get yourself going. So, to help you suffer a little less of Mondayitis we created an easy to apply list for you.

Plan ahead

It might sound a bit silly but lay out your Monday outfit on Sunday night, pack your bag and prep your lunch already. This is eliminating any stress in the A.M and make your Monday morning more relaxed.

Wake up early

Yes, we know this doesn’t sound appealing. But waking up early can be the key to a good start of your day. Don’t wait till the last minute to get up. Take some time for yourself, have a coffee and breakfast, read or watch the news, throw some laundry in the washing machine. Trust us it will make you feel more relaxed during the day, because you started your day relaxed instead of stressed.

Don’t skip breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and will give you a kick start.

Make a list

Making lists is a good way to have a good overview of your day or week. As there might be a pile of work waiting for you for when you come back after the weekend, it’s good to make a list where you prioritise your tasks. In this way, you keep the overview and work your way through your tasks.

Turn up the beat

If you have to drag yourself to get things done, put some nice beats on. Are you more an 80s person or prefer house music, it doesn’t matter. Just load up the tunes. This will put you in a better mood and will energize you again.

Monday treats

For the ones who really hate Monday and just about make it to get through the day, reward yourself. This can be something as simple as having a nice meal. Having a little reward to look forward to can help you make it through the mundane tasks of Mondays.


Yes, really! Smile to other people (maybe not in the tube though… that would be weird). Smile to the barista from who you get your coffee, smile at your colleagues etc. Why? Because smiling will make you feel a lot better.

Little breaks

Don’t sit behind your desk all day. Get up a few times for a short walk. Get out of the office to get lunch and avoid eating lunch at your desk.

Right! Now you are all set to battle the Monday Blues!