#7 tips on how to leave your job on good terms

There will come a time that you will leave your job. You might be leaving for another exciting opportunity and experience or your company unfortunately had to make people redundant. Leaving a job can be a mix of emotions; you may be sad to leave a place where you have been for years or you could be excited for new opportunities to come. Handing in your notice isn’t easy, either if you love or hate your job, but remember that it’s important that you leave your job with dignity and on good terms.

You might be thinking, why is leaving on good terms so important? Because you might never see or speak to any of your boss’ or colleagues again. However, keep in mind that leaving with a bad reputation might damage future prospects. It’s always wise to not burn bridges. You never know when you will need your past employers for a reference. So, always try to leave in a good as possible manner. How? Follow these steps:

Be certain about your decision

Before you make the decision of quitting, be absolutely sure that this is the right decision for you. Weigh the pros and cons of staying and leaving your job. Consider the work environment, responsibilities, wage, benefits and flexibility of the job. If the new opportunity ticks all the boxes and you feel sure that this is the right decision for you, then don’t hesitate. Because, once you have resigned it is not as easy to come back anymore.

Resign professionally – write a resignation letter

If you were thinking about just walking out of your job due to build up frustrations or issues, then think again. Sending an “I quit” email or text might seem a good idea and an easy way out but never handle your resignation like this. Leaving on bad terms can come back to bite you in the future. It’s better to quit in a professional manner. Always write a resignation letter as this can help you maintain a positive relationship with your old employer. You never know when you might need a reference of your old employer, so it makes sense to take the time to write a clear and professional resignation letter.

Once you have written your resignation letter, make sure you deliver the letter in person to your boss.

Give your notice early

Now that you have taken the decision to leave the company and have written a resignation letter, it’s time to hand in your notice. This can be a nerve-wrecking experience, however if you resign as early as possible in a professional and respectful manner, there will nothing to worry about.

What to say to your boss

As you might know, honesty is key. Be honest to your boss and explain shortly why you are moving on from the company. Emphasize on the positive and make clear how much you have benefited from working at this company, but also don’t forget to mention that it is time to move on.

If you feel your boss is taking it well and you feel confident, you can ask if your boss would be able to write you a reference or would be ok with being on your CV as a reference.

Work as usual during your notice period

Once you have handed in your notice and let your colleagues know that you are leaving the company, you may feel that you don’t have to do as much work as before and basically just sit your time out. However, this will only make it feel like the days last longer as you most likely will be bored. So, you are not really helping yourself and definitely not helping the company.

Use your notice period to make sure you leave everything in good order. Wrap up any communication with your clients and pass on responsibilities to someone else in the office. Write a hand-over if necessary.

Show your appreciation

Don’t forget to say or send thank you messages to clients you have worked with over the years and get a thank you card for your employer/colleagues. Over the years there will have been a large number of people who have helped you were you are now, so don’t forget to show your appreciation.

Leaving drinks

And last but certainly not least. When you know when your last day is, organise some leaving drinks on your final day. You have spent a lot of time with your colleagues, so why not make a fun evening of it. Show that you have enjoyed your time at the company.

Now it’s time for your next adventure!